3,500 persons/h conveyor capacity thanks to dual Moving Carpet

Two Moving Carpets installed in parallel and covered by a Duplex Evolus gallery guarantee only short queuing times for the users even at the busiest times.

Place: Reno /Year: 2018 / Product: Moving Carpet

Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe (USA): The installation of the first dual Person Conveyor Belt in North America means that from now on the crowds in the beginner terrain at Mt. Rose can be handled with ease. The Moving Carpet, which is 288 meters long in total, is driven by a 22 KW motor each and can thus transport more than 3,500 people per hour. The 750 mm belt width and Duplex Evolus gallery provide additional user comfort. Outside operating hours, electric roll-up doors protect the entry and exit areas from wind and weather.

In order to withstand extreme wind speeds of up to 160 km/h, the two conveyor belts were installed on massive concrete girders and the Duplex gallery was fixed in the foundations with additional epoxy anchors. The two parallel conveyor belts can be flexibly controlled independently of each other. When there is little activity during the week, one belt runs and on weekends or when there is a lot of traffic, the second Moving Carpet is switched on. This not only prevents queues, but also makes users happy because they can stand next to each other and talk.

Mt. Rose in Tahoe (USA)
Beginner terrain
144 m
750 mm
Blue eye surface
22 kW
max. Speed:
0.7 m/s
Ø Gradient :
8 %

The Duplex Gallery itself was installed within three days in two work shifts each and the result is impressive. The sides, protected by polycarbonate panes, provide an unrestricted view of the landscape and, in conjunction with the wooden planking on the sides, create an atmospheric integration into the surroundings. The entire installation meets all the required safety standards, such as four emergency exits every 30 meters, and has been officially approved in accordance with US standard ANSI B77.1.

Products in use
The transport solution that is hard to beat in terms of versatility
Moving Carpet
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