With his initiative "Winter in the village" this succeeds in the figurative sense almost directly to their front door.
One example of the "Winter in the Village" initiative is the small village of Stuls/Moos in the Passiria Valley in South Tyrol. It was the wish of the municipal administration to provide the locals and guests with a free winter offer in the middle of the village with the 70m long Moving Carpet. However, the community did not want to take any financial risk. Sunkid met this wish and a rent for the first winter was agreed upon. Only then should a decision be made about a final purchase.
An on-site inspection during the winter already gave an idea of what was confirmed a few weeks ago with the purchase of the conveyor belt by the municipality of Moos. The Moving Carpet turned out to be a magnet for beginners on skis as well as tobogganers. Chamois, ibex and other wild animals from the Sunkid-Sunny-Stuff range brought the children and guests closer to the inhabitants of the South Tyrolean mountains and forests. Together with still other activities in the community, the area developed into a lively communication area within the village - with the Moving Carpet as its main attraction.A nice confirmation for Sunkid to continue on this chosen path.